Mary Anne's Bio
I began asking to play violin when I was 4, but my parents thought it was a just a phase. In the meantime, I started piano lessons at 5, yet I did not stop asking to play the violin and they eventually found a teacher and I began when I was 8.
I joined the local community orchestra while in high school and went on to study violin at The University of Denver's Lamont School of Music. There I studied under James Mauer and Linda Wang. I also spent a semester abroad in Milan, Italy where I studied with Carlo De Martini.
After finishing my studies, my husband and I taught music around the Denver area and led the Korean Christian Church Orchestra before moving to Castle Rock where we now have taught and played violin in the area for over 15 years. We also started and led the Castle Rock Youth Symphony for 7 years.
Over the years, I have enjoyed playing for weddings, special occasions, worship and pop bands. More recently, I love playing violin trio with my husband and son, Judah, 12. I hope to soon be a family quartet of violins since my daughter, Wonder, 5, recently begun playing violin and piano, as well.
My niece, Elizabeth, 13, moved in with our family in 2022. She loves to sing and perform in musical theater. We are a homeschooling family of 5, and immensely value the importance of the arts in the development of imagination and creativity centers of the brain and the way music expresses our hearts in ways that words cannot.